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New Challenges for Optimizing Organizational Talent: How HR Needs to Manage Emerging, Disruptive Technologies
Download this ArticleIn the past, more intangible factors related to talent have often been neglected in favor of more visible targets for information technology and although the use of technology to maximize human assets is…
Best Practices in Implementing Succession Planning
Download this ArticleSuccession planning is best described as a consistent set of specific procedures to insure the identification, development, and long-term retention of talented individuals. While this general definition works well, organizations view succession planning in widely varying ways. For some organizations, it simply means making sure there are replacement candidates for key positions. For others…
Performance Management Best Practices
Download this ArticlePerformance management is viewed as a necessary evil in many organizations due to the myriad barriers for implementing a consistent, highly supported process. Half or more of implementation efforts produce limited or even negative results. This paper explores the reasons for failures and presents a best practice approach for instituting performance management programs that work…
What Makes Leaders Succeed or Fail? An Adaptive Leadership Perspectives Approach
Download this ArticleUnfortunately, extensive research has led to few clear conclusions about what makes leaders successful even though many experts have defined a set of behaviors successful leaders commonly demonstrate. So, why doesn’t identifying or providing development for individuals to exhibit these characteristics consistently produce successful leaders? I believe these attributes represent the “necessary, but not sufficient”…