Schoonover Associates is a management consulting firm founded in 1983. The firm, started by Harvard psychiatrist, Stephen Schoonover, offers both structured products and customized consulting solutions for leadership and talent management. Both our consulting approach and validated intellectual property are based on extensive experience in virtually all industry segments and organization levels. -
Our internationally recognized consultants create and implement programs and technology-based solutions across the leadership and talent management spectrum–hiring and selection, assessment, performance management, goal management, learning and development, career development, succession planning and executive development, and change management. -
Schoonover Associates delivers both off-the-shelf and customized offerings across the entire spectrum of leadership and talent management applications. Whether or not we provide a point solution or a systemic intervention, we believe that every successful engagement should encompass the five elements highlighted in the “Integrated Solutions Pyramid”.
“Adaptive Leadership Perspectives Framework” and customized leadership applications and programs
“Coaching Life Cycle" implementation and coaching tools, training, and programs
Career Planning
“Make Your MoVE” Career Planning Suite and customized career development tools, training and programs
Talent Management
“The Talent Management Toolbox” and customized talent management applications and programs
“Rapid Competency Prototyping” and customized core, leadership and functional competency development
Business Management Consultant in Duxbury, MA
Schoonover Associates LLC provides innovative, customized solutions to help our clients maximize their human capital assets. Our consultants have created leadership and executive development programs ranging from one-on-one coaching to organization-wide programs involving talent pipelining, technology implementations, and comprehensive curriculum offerings. Our internationally recognized consultants create and implement programmatic and technology-based solutions across the talent management spectrum–hiring and selection, assessment, performance management, goal management and measurement, learning and development, career development, succession planning, leadership bench strength and pipeline development, and change management–often using a competency-based approach.
What Is Our Purpose?
Schoonover Associates focuses on optimizing individual, team, and organizational performance capabilities – delivering products and services for leadership development, coaching, career pathing, talent management, and competencies.
Who Leads Our Organization?
Dr. Stephen C. Schoonover has delivered leadership and talent management solutions for over 40 years. A graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Medical School, he was board-certified in psychiatry and neurology and served on the psychiatry faculty at Harvard Medical School for over 20 years. Subsequently, he started his own consulting practice, providing advisory services for over 40 years to organizations in virtually all business sectors, and specializing in leadership and executive development, coaching, career development, strategic human resource planning, competency model building, assessment capabilities, and integrated talent management systems.
New Publications & Resources
High Impact On-Line Assessments
Schoonover Associates offers the following automated assessments with detailed standard reports and interpretation guidelines:
- Adaptive Leadership Perspectives “Assessment”;
- Make Your MOVE Career Planning “Assessment”;
- Talent Management Organization Needs Survey
The first two assessments are offered to individuals, groups and teams within organizations for development; all three assessment are often applied in needs assessment and program design service offerings to provide valuable data about issues and opportunities.
From Our Blog
One of the Hardest Lessons for Leaders: Learning to Relinquish Power
December 11, 2015
The journey towards a leadership role and the eventual attainment of that position can be viewed as a rise to a position of power. Building and wielding social power is clearly a primary factor in leadership advancement. And while accepting a role with extended conferred or position power may represent the culmination of hard work… View ArticleWhat Are Our Most Distinguishing Offerings?
- A validated research-based Adaptive Leadership Perspectives framework, a hierarchical model structured around 8 level-specific challenges – environmental context, strategy, structure, values and traits, competencies, relationships, influence, and change, is delivered in several formats (e.g., articles, book, toolkit, and training (see diagram on right).
- Coaching toolkit, training, best practice guidelines, and articles;
- Career development toolkit, training, articles, and books;
- Talent management tools, training, books, and articles for virtually all applications in the talent management lifecycle.
- Development of competency models for all levels of leadership and most functional groups, including an extensive competency database and delivery of hundreds of competency model-building engagements, including extensive experience with creating both level-specific leadership profiles and job-family frameworks for various functional areas.
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What Makes Us Different from Our Competitors?
- Extensive experience in diverse specialty areas – psychotherapy frameworks, psychological models and testing, competency modeling, leadership theories and practices, all talent management applications, career and life planning.
- Implementation of consulting engagements of varying scope, ranging from one-on-one coaching and projects focused on a single application (e.g., competency model, succession planning, hiring and selection protocol, etc.), to large, multi-year, global change management engagements or development of comprehensive talent management or leadership programs.
- Execution of multi-dimensional engagements, such as creation of programs including elements such as websites, knowledge repositories, training, toolkits, learning communities, and metrics.
- Development of off-the-shelf intellectual properties including books, toolkits, articles, and training for each of our major focus areas – leadership, coaching, career development, talent management, and competencies.
- Execution of extensive research projects, including best practices guidelines, validated inventories and models, and 6-sigma projects.
- Extensive publishing, including media projects, website development, books, chapters, journal articles, published training products.